Friday, September 16, 2011

No Need to Worry

Homeless men love me.  That one sentence pretty much sums up the majority of men that hit on me.  I used to say that only young kids and old men ever did, but apparently that is no longer true.

I didn’t discover this particular phenomenon until a recent trip to San Francisco.  I’m quite certain I was hit on by every other homeless man who walked down the street.  One in particular did this to me:

<Walking toward me> “Damn girl, hold on” <Puts one finger up, does a complete circle around me on the street> “Yeah girl, you’re fine.”

I had to give him credit - it was the best pickup line I’ve ever heard in my entire life.  And as crazy as this sounds, I found myself thinking - If only we had somewhere to go....

I had convinced myself this was strictly a SF occurrence.  I believe my hypothesis has been proved wrong once again.  There is a guy in Escondido who hangs out near the 7-eleven by my home, and the workers there call this guy “menacing.”  They call EPD regularly and tell them he is harassing the patrons.  I’ve never been harassed, unless you count the occasional “Hey can you buy me a soda?”  Being a single female, I can give you the definition of harassment.  This guy is not it.  I mean, he’s like 8 feet tall and doesn’t ever wear a shirt, but he’s never come across as menacing to me.

Anyway, this last 7-eleven run proved to be interesting.  I think he knows now what my car looks like.  As I made my way out of the store he was walking toward me.  I figured he’d ask for money or something so I mentally tried to figure out how much cash I had on me at the time.  Instead, this is what I got - “Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re beautiful.  Have a good day, and I hope I see you around.”

See people, no need to worry - I can get a date.

1 comment:

  1. as crazy as it sounds, Maybe those homeless people really are in their right mind after all. You are a wonderful and beautiful person Jen. I am so blessed to have met you. This is a great blog...Love your writing.
