Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who Says You Can't Go Home (Part 1)

So it's time.  I feel like the beginning of a UFC cage fight when the announcer stretches that out to about 87 syllables and then...fighting out of the blue corner, standing 5'4" weighing in at (you don't get that info): Jen! And her opponent, fighting out of the red corner: Home!

Okay, I kid - it's not really like a UFC fight.  But lately it did seem like I had to pump myself up to emotionally take on one 6 day "vacation."  Things have definitely been different since my mom died - from the moment when my family couldn't spend more than 5 minutes in the same room with me (and no, that's not an exaggeration) because of how much I looked like her, to now - trying to get me to visit more.  The week prior to leaving was my "pumping up" period.  Hell, I even pumped up my cat.  Let's just say that an entire week of "you can do it"'s can cause a teeny bit of self-inflicted anxiety.  And P.S. It's all about me.

So again, it's time.  I wake up at 2:30 in the morning, get myself all ready to go and head down to the airport parking lot.  There are a lot more people there at 4 in the morning that I've previously seen, and we tend to make "the sun isn't even up yet" small talk as we wait to get in the shuttle.  The guy behind the counter really seems like he needs a nap...Fast forward to the airport where I have enough time to stop at Starbucks - meet a guy in the line (who marveled at my ability to drink a venti caramel frappuccino at 5:00am) AND earn my brand new gold card.  Not a bad 10 minutes.  Turns out I'm in group 3 so Starbucks guy and I have a little more time to chat before heading in separate directions.

They call my group, I exchange info with Starbucks boy, and head on to the plane.  Looking for my seat I find it and decide the universe has been very, very good to me this morning - because, directly next to my window seat is one beautiful Marine.....thank you airplane gods!  I don't talk politics, and I DEFINITELY don't talk about the war, but seriously this man was beautiful.  I believe it may be time to take one for the team.  As we take off from San Diego, I hear a pretty amazing story....

Through a little bit of chit chat, I learn that he is accompanying the honor flag from SD to Dallas, TX to be present at the funeral of a firefighter who was killed in the line of duty.  This flag was in SD for the service of our policeman who was brutally assasinated while sitting at a red light.  The short story had me completely hooked and we spent the next 3 hours talking about the flag, the honor, the idea behind it.  When we landed we were pulled off to the side and greeted by police and a fire engine.  Because the flag was on board our plane, ceremony dictates the fire engine spray down the plane with the water cannons - a paying homage to the fallen firefighter.

Overall, it was a pretty amazing experience.  I had been spending my time stressing out over this trip home when the universe reminded me just how little I am in comparison.  And that is exactly how I needed to start the first leg of this journey....

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