Recently I became addicted to Flipboard and in my random readings I came across an article entitled, "Ever Feel Like The Only Single Girl Left in the World? Here's Proof You Aren't." I'll admit, it peaked my curiosity. After all, if I'm taking some liberties here, I think that every single girl in the universe has felt like that at some point in their lives. I know I have. The post starts out with the same thoughts I've had - "I feel like I'm behind in the game of life." Yep - been there, done that, bought the stupid t-shirt (I still try it on every once in awhile).
But then...HOORAY!
Quoting another article in Boston Magazine, I was almost giddy to read that the 2010 US Census statistics report that married adults now make up less than one half of the population. Single adults are taking over the world. THEN it said that recent findings show that most single adults are not interested in finding a soulmate...ever. They're not just sitting around waiting for Mr. Right to come knocking at the door with his fancy horse. They are more politically active and have stronger personal networks. Holy moly macaroni - I'm no longer considered abnormal.
Okay, okay - I read the Boston Magazine article and the comments posted by random internet users. And it's safe to say the stereotype that we single ladies feel is still alive and thriving in some tiny little brains. I believe the word "spinster" was used by one anonymous poster. (Side note, if you're going to call someone a name, at least use yours). So while part of me is jumping up and down by the sheer number of single people in the country, the logical part of me still realizes that some think I'm going to grow old and lonely with 110 cats. I suppose that's why this blog has become (slightly) popular.
My favorite statistic? The single adult - listed as the highest number the US population has ever seen. Over 100 million of us. I guess that should make it easy to find a date (maybe I don't want a soulmate, but dinner would be nice).
The point is, I think the new statistics are just showing us that we're finally becoming comfortable with ourselves - married, single, gay, straight, or motley, we're finally happy not conforming to society's ideals. My mother used to tell stories of when she went to "college," which then was only for women who wanted to become nurses or teachers. You had no other option except to get married and not opt for a career at all. Those were society's ideals then - look how far we've come. We have all the opportunities in the world now, all the choices we could possibly make and the best choice we have is to accept ourselves for who we are in this moment.
Maybe the world is single girl at a time.
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