Please don't call me peppy, energetic or positive.
Not today.
It's funny how labels become so much a part of who we are that we spend our days trying to live up to them. I recently received a group card and almost everyone who signed it referred, in some way, to my positive outlook and incredibly high energy level.
So it's confession time - I'm not always peppy (it's true, I promise). Apparently, though, I'm great at faking it (insert your favorite joke here). But in all seriousness, sometimes it can be really tiring to spend your days living up to the label of perky, peppy and positive.
Take today for example - by the time I hit my couch this afternoon I was beat. I've been sick and emotionally whiplashed, but I had a phone call to make. As I ended the conversation with my father he said, "but it sounds like you're doing ok." Score one for the pretend-to-be-peppy Jen.
Labels are our own creations and then ironically become self-fulfilling prophecies. We spend so much time and effort trying to be the person we think other people want us to be, not the perfectly imperfect selves we truly are. Labels are everywhere, and it's almost impossible to get rid of them. But it's important that we find the people in our lives who allow us to be label-free (or at least let us shed it for a little while). People who dig deeper, see more than the one-dimensional and give you the freedom to do the same. Today I was grateful for those people.
So if you'll excuse me, not-so-peppy Jen needs to go find someone to yell at. Just so you know, though, I'll be back to being peppy first thing tomorrow morning.